Friday, September 30, 2011

Caution Should Be Used

"Caution should be used when driving or operating machinery."

I am on day five of Prometrium suppositories.  I had really minimal side effects from Femara, Gonal-F, and the trigger shot.  But as of last night Prometrium is officially kicking my butt!  That warning should really read, "This drug will turn you into an irrationally angry person.  Use extreme caution when operating deadly machinery as side effects will not last long enough for you to be deemed unfit to stand trial."

This was me in my car today.  Except I wasn't smiling.  I was stuck in traffic and instead of just singing along to the radio like I usually would, I got mad.  Really really mad.  Andy has always talked about how he wishes he had telekinesis.  So I started imagining what I would be like if I did, if I was like Magneto from the X-Men.  I imagined flinging the cars aside with my super powers and them exploding in giant fireballs.  The idea of fireballs was somehow extra satisfying and soothing.  It also helped pass the time!  Of course I would never actually want to harm my fellow commuters...but they really made me upset just by being in my way!

I've noticed several other instances of being upset over stupid things that wouldn't usually bother me.  But every time I realize I'm being irrational I try to take a deep breath and remember that it's just the medicine and my hormones.  These side effects are a good thing since it means they're doing their job!  If this is what it takes to get our baby I will gladly do it.


  1. U look great as an x woman!! :)
    I couldnt agree more! I always feel more on edge when on meds and hormones. I was just saying to steve how much hormones make me crazier. Like when we get our periods, letting us know we aren't pregnant!! Wouldn't it be nice if @ least there was a way to just skip our cycle during those times?! It's bad enough getting a negative...add in the hormonal effects of af and that's it! Lol
    Thinking of you and hoping your weekend is wonderful!

  2. lol.. i cant help but laugh at your x woman picture!! =) hope you're not x woman still.. hehe. but seriously, I get it. Sometimes I turn into the Hulk all of a sudden! it's very scary!! lol

    thank you for your comment on my blog today. =) ur tooooooo sweet!!! xoxo
